Call for Proposals

Solicitation of Proposals for Interdisciplinary Project Grants


The Foundation for Interdisciplinary Studies, DBA “The Alliance” is a nonprofit corporation established in 1985 to support the College of Architecture and Environmental Design (CAED) of California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly). The Alliance has been determined to be exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors.

The Board of The Alliance has, in collaboration with CAED, established the Hasslein Fund. The Fund was established in the spirit of our founder, George Hasslein, to support student centered interdisciplinary “learn by doing” activities. Such activities are those which engage students and faculty in interdisciplinary teaching and learning and embrace Cal Poly’s strategic plan for interdisciplinary interaction with other colleges of Cal Poly. This solicitation is to identify and make grants to projects that meet the goals of the Fund.

The Alliance Mission Statement

The Alliance supports the students, faculty and programs in the Cal Poly San Luis Obispo College of Architecture and Environmental Design (CAED) in order to encourage a “Learn By Doing” education. The Alliance provides resources to promote student centered interdisciplinary education, advocate creative care and concern for the environment, facilitate industry and profession connected learning, preserve and communicate CAED history, and to continue that special spirit that made the Cal Poly education so important to the alumni of the College.

Solicitation of Proposals

1. The Alliance is soliciting grant proposals for student initiated interdisciplinary projects. The grant amount budgeted for the current fiscal year cycle is $20,000 and may be granted in whole or in part to one project, divided between multiple projects, or not granted, at the discretion of The Alliance.

2. Proposed projects shall meet the following criteria:

  • All proposed projects shall support the mission statement of The Alliance with an emphasis on student centered interdisciplinary education and industry/professional connected learning.
  • All proposals shall be for student-initiated projects that include students of at least two or more departments within CAED on the project team.

  • Proposed projects shall demonstrate an integrated and interdisciplinary process that engages students, faculty, a client, and/or the public.
  • It will be a condition of any grant award that the project team provide a written report to the Board of The Alliance. An in-person presentation of the final outcomes of the project shall be made to the Board of The Alliance.
  • Proposed projects must be endorsed by a member of the faculty.
  • Significant additional preference will be given to proposed projects that include:
  • Engagement with more than two departments within CAED and/or with other colleges of the University;
  • A deliberate intent to make the project process integrated and collaborative across disciplines throughout the course of the project with an emphasis on involving students in activities outside their disciplines;
  • Engagement with an industry/professional partner; and/or
  • Metrics to demonstrate how the outcome has educated the client and/or the public about how the project was enhanced by an interdisciplinary process.

3. All applications:

  • Shall be on the form provided by The Alliance – a digital application form may be obtained from the Secretary of the Foundation.
  • Shall be submitted as an electronic transmission in .pdf format (an additional paper copy submittal is optional).
  • May include supportive information as an appendix to the application; and
  • Shall be signed by a student project leader and sponsoring faculty member.

4. Selection process:

  • A selection committee of no less than three members will review all grant applications. The selection committee shall be chaired by a Director of The Alliance and shall be appointed by the President of The Alliance.
  • The selection committee will utilize both a point system and subjective analysis for application assessment with an emphasis on alignment with The Alliance mission of encouraging interdisciplinary academic applications in real world situations. A copy of the analysis form will be made available to all applicants upon request to the Secretary of The Alliance.
  • A recommendation for the final selection of grant awardees shall be submitted by the selection committee to the Executive Committee of The Alliance for confirmation prior to forwarding the selection of awardees to the Board of The Alliance for approval.
  • All grant recipients recommended by the Executive Committee will be invited to present their projects to the Board of The Alliance before the Board’s final approval.

5. Inquiries concerning this solicitation should be directed to the Secretary of The Alliance, Stephen W. Hall.

6. All costs incurred in the preparation of a proposal responding to this solicitation will be the responsibility of the proposer and will not be reimbursed by The Alliance.

7. The Alliance reserves the right to reject any and all proposals received in response to this solicitation.

8. Successful grantees will be required to execute a written grant application agreement. A draft of the agreement is available upon request to the Secretary of The Alliance.